Safety 'n Action Safety 'n Action AXIOM TRAINING

Safety Hub

Safer Workplaces together
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Come together to build a safer New Zealand with us!

Our safety hub provides a wealth of valuable resources to support your workplace in promoting and raising awareness about health and safety.

Stay informed about new white papers, resources, and helpful safety tools added monthly, all conveniently available right here.

Feel free to explore and download these valuable assets to further enhance your safety initiatives.

Safety White Papers

Displaying 9 - 12 of 19
  • White Paper: Employer complacency, staff member pays a huge price

    Recent incidents such as the case reported on by WorkSafe involving a waste bin company have demonstrated the severe consequences of employer complacency towards workplace safety procedures.

  • White Paper: Height Safety a Priority

    Working from heights is just another day at the office for many Kiwi tradies. From roofers, builders and air conditioning installers through to painters, plumbers – and even chimney sweeps – roof work is often a non-negotiable part of the job. But the risks are high, and for numerous workers each year, falls from height have devastating and lifechanging consequences.

  • White Paper: Sliding safety standards

    Suppliers and operators of amusement devices (such as inflatable slides) must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 by eliminating or minimising health and safety risks as far as reasonably practical.

  • White Paper: Duty of care critical

    Every day, New Zealand construction workers risk their lives to build a better New Zealand. And every day, employers and industry leaders let them down. Our workers deserve better care.

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Useful Worksafe Resources

  1. Writing health and safety documents for your workplace
  2. Mental health at work and while working from home
  3. Health information for PCBU's in several languages
  4. General guidance on managing health and safety

Competition Corner

Hey there! At Safety 'n Action, we love to celebrate our safety superheroes by treating them to some awesome competition giveaways. Be sure to keep your peepers peeled on our social media to score some sweet loot!

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