Safety 'n Action Safety 'n Action AXIOM TRAINING

Height Safety Advanced Webinar [Hybrid Training]

Key Information

Duration: 6 Hours (practical component to be completed at a later date)

Available from anywhere you are.

Requires a laptop or mobile device with internet connectivity. Assessments may be completed handwritten and scanned (mobile scans are accepted) or electronically.

Price (excl GST)

$570 Per Person

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  4. Height Safety Advanced Webinar [Hybrid Training]

Delivered by webinar and accessible from anywhere in New Zealand, this course supports attendees in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the legal requirements and management of proprietary height safety systems and procedures. Theory element only.

This webinar covers the theory element of the selection and inspection of various fall arrest systems and relevant ropes and knots. We cover hazards associated with scaffolds, mobile elevated work platforms, ladders, guardrails, walkways, ramps and stairways. It builds all the required foundation knowledge to complete the practical element of Height Safety Advanced, which includes practical scenarios to ensure you understand the use, installation and disestablishment of proprietary height safety systems, anchor points, work positioning, restraint systems and developing and implementing a rescue plan. 

This webinar covers theory only. Due to the requirements of the associated unit standard, attendees will not be awarded a unit standard until they have completed an accompanying practical session. Hybrid training allows the attendee more control over the time required to achieve the unit standard by allowing them to break up the theory and practical elements. The practical component must be booked within 12 months of completing the theoretical component, and the cost indicated here covers both elements of the training.

In accordance with the requirements to maintain Consent to Assess for the unit standards taught on this course, Safety ‘n Action had this course pre moderated and approved by our standard setting body, The Skills Organisation.

Students need to have 3 months of work experience in the industry prior to doing the course.

Associated Unit Standard (not awarded until practical has been completed)

  • Unit Standards - HS A (Click to see more detail)









    Explain safe work practices for working at heights




    Use, install and disestablish temporary proprietary fall arrest systems when working at height 




    Use a safety harness for personal fall prevention when working at height




    Employ height safety equipment in the workplace


Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain the legislative requirements and systems used for working at heights
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of hazards associated with wearing a safety harness and associated equipment
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of safety harnesses and associated systems and equipment
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the rescue plan to be activated in the event of a fall
  5. Identify the common types of height safety equipment used in the workplace
  6. Identify suitable height work equipment and suitable anchor points for fall and arrest systems
  7. Identify anchor points and prepare to install a temporary proprietary height safety systems
  8. Install horizontal and vertical temporary proprietary height safety systems

Entry Criteria:

  1. All students are required to have a level of written and oral English equivalent to NCEA level 1 (year 11) or IELTS 5.5 or higher, to be eligible to attend our courses. The person responsible for making bookings or authorising attendance on the course must agree to these Terms and Conditions prior to acceptance of their student(s) onto the course. Where a student does not meet our English language requirement a reader/writer must be supplied by the student or the person responsible for authorising the student’s attendance. The reader/writer cannot be another student attending the same course.

“Very easy to follow course and really well presented. I like how the course focuses on hands on activities enabling us to feel confident about putting these tasks into practice”

Student Feedback February 2022

“The teacher is a very good person. Very knowledgeable and supportive. Thanks again, you guys are amazing.”

Student Feedback February 2022

“The tutor was helpful and explained things in a great way for those who didn't understand as much. Made the course more enjoyable with his knowledge and positivity.”

Student Feedback March 2022

Great Trainer! Very knowledgeable! Interacts well with the group to get them involved.

Course: Height Safety/ Advanced/Refresher Initial Student Feedback Dec 2023