Safety 'n Action Safety 'n Action AXIOM TRAINING

Schools Manual Handling

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Key Information

Duration: Half Day (4 Hours)

Maximum Attendees: 20

Training available nationwide at one of our centres, or your school.

Price (excl GST)

$1590 Company Booking

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  4. Schools Manual Handling

Understand how the body functions and how to use the correct techniques to prevent back injury in the workplace.


This course will provide you with the manual handing skills to avoid injury in the workplace. You will learn how the back works and practical techniques for reducing the risk of injury. 

In accordance with the requirements to maintain Consent to Assess for the unit standards taught on this course, Safety ‘n Action had this course pre moderated and approved by our standard setting body, The Skills Organisation.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand how back injury can occur and how to prevent it
  2. Describe the structure and function of the spine
  3. Identify back care techniques
  4. Identify workplace control measures to reduce the risk of back injury

Entry Criteria:

  1. All students are required to have a level of written and oral English equivalent to NCEA level 1 (year 11) or IELTS 5.5 or higher, to be eligible to attend our courses. The person responsible for making bookings or authorising attendance on the course must agree to these Terms and Conditions prior to acceptance of their student(s) onto the course. Where a student does not meet our English language requirement a reader/writer must be supplied by the student or the person responsible for authorising the student’s attendance. The reader/writer cannot be another student attending the same course.

NZQA Unit Standards Included

  • Unit Standards - S MH









    Identify the causes of back injury and methods to prevent back injury's in the workplace