Hazardous Substances Regulations Change

What has changed?


  1. The existing HSNO Classification was replaced by GHS Rev 7 (Globally Harmonised System) To better align with Neighbouring countries that are already using it. “It has been adopted by more than 50 countries, including all of New Zealand’s major trading partners.” (EPA, 2021)
  2. A Framework was established to classify substances that are hazardous to the terrestrial environment. It is applied only to agrichemicals or active ingredients used in the manufacture of some agrichemicals. This hazard class comprises four hazard classifications that cover HSNO classifications:
  3. hazardous to soil organisms (replaces HSNO 9.2A – D)
  4. hazardous to terrestrial vertebrates (replaces HSNO 9.3A – C)
  5. hazardous to terrestrial invertebrates (replaces HSNO 9.4A – C)
  6. designed for biocidal action (replaces HSNO 9.1D biocide).
  1. EPA notices were updated:
    1. Labelling
    2. Safety Data Sheets
    3. Packaging Notices
    4. Importers & Manufacturing
    5. Hazardous Property Controls
    6. Hazardous Substances (Hazard Classification) Notice 2020

“The updated EPA notices explain the new product labelling, the safety data sheet and packaging requirements. You’re encouraged to comply sooner rather than later.” (EPA, 2021)

Why Should they be trained?

  1. Regulation 9 of the General Risk & Workplace Management Reg: An Employer (PCBU) must as far as is reasonably practicable provide the workers with information, supervision training and instruction.
  2. 36.3 of the HSWA 2015: The PCBU (Employer must ensure that their workers are provided with any information, training, instruction, or supervision that is necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried out
  3. Reg 4.5 of the Haz Sub Reg: a PCBU must ensure that every worker who uses, handles, manufactures, or stores a hazardous substance (including hazardous waste) is before the worker can carry out or supervise work involving those substances, provided with information, training & instruction.