Refresher Periods

Legislation and Guidelines


Definition of PCBU - PCBU, which means a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking, most New Zealand businesses, whether large corporates, sole traders, or self-employed, are classed as PCBUs.

The wording that goes along with our refresher periods is:

Safety N Action believes in best industry practice to ensure workers are healthy and safe, and to protect the PCBU,  therefore has refresher periods to reflect this.

Under section 22 of The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, it is stated that all PCBU’s MUST provide adequate training and/or supervision. Should a client have an incident onsite, and there was refresher training available in a 2 year period, and the client has chosen a 3 year refresher period, WorkSafe could have grounds to prove that the PCBU did NOT take reasonably practicable steps to ensure adequate training and/or supervision was provided, and could then prosecute accordingly.